CelesAnimeShader provides a solution for Japanese anime-style rendering, requiring no complex BP or C++ coding. With just a BaseColor texture, you can quickly transform your character into an anime-style rendering.
The rendering core is based on custom shader lighting instead of traditional PostProcess, allowing adjusting in lighting, shadows, colors, and fine details between characters.
The shading model uses the light-weight Unlit option, which significantly reduces unnecessary shadows generated by default lighting.
Technical Details
- Includes one Japanese anime-style character. (With walk/run animation)
- The rendering core is based on custom shader lighting instead of traditional PostProcess.
- 3 character BP for example demo.
- Material Function for 5 core Light Models.
- Supporting single light source CastShadow.
Number of Unique Materials and Material Instances: 4 material for shader core
Number of Textures: 6 texture for shader core + 7 textures for character
Supported Development Platforms: All
Performance: Due to the Unlit model not accepting shadows, the provided CastShadow solution relies on the PerObjectShadowMap method to obtain shadows. It supports shadow casting from a single light source only, and using this feature extensively may impact performance.
Important/Additional Notes: The content shown in the trailer and product images will not be provided in its entirety with this product.